Thursday, March 8, 2018

How To Make Fresh Creamy Yogurt at Home

A simple way of preparing yogurt at home is to adding warm milk into a preferably ceramic bowl along with a starter yogurt (starter yogurt is a small quantity of yogurt left out from the previous batch). This mixture is mixed, covered and allowed to stand for 4 to 5 hours. This process is undisturbed to acquire the best result which is thick curd that tastes good and has a good consistency. A runny curd is not what you wish to acquire as a result. But regular practice and little care can help you prepare the best creamy yogurt. Moreover special care should be taken while preparing yogurt.

8 Tips to For Making Fresh Yogurt at Home

For instance, while making yogurt at home make sure that

1. The milk that is used for making yogurt is fresh.

2.  The milk that is to be used for making yogurt should be warm not hot or boiling.

3.  Also the container and spoon that is used to make yogurt should be clean and dry.

4.   If you plan to use the same container that was used yesterday to prepare yogurt, make sure that the container is clean and dry. Never use the same container without washing.

5.  If this is for the first time you are giving a try on making yogurt, you can use store-bought yogurt as the starter milk. But see that the store-bought yogurt is fresh, not too sour and thick.

6.  A container that has the capacity to hold up heat is the right container to make yogurt. Containers such as ceramic bowls with lids or small porcelain jar with lids that can trap heat work as a best solution. But you can also use stainless steel bowls.

7. Few are known to include gelatin while making yogurt. Use of gelatin is said to enrich the creaminess of yogurt. But this option is not for vegetarians. Hence even a fresh active culture can surprisingly make a yogurt much creamier.

8. The yogurt mixture can be kept overnight to set, if it is to be consumed next morning or next day.

Learn more about

12 Ways to Cook With Yogurt

12 Health Benefits of Yogurt

Tip on Setting Curd Faster During Winters

How to Set a Quick Curd

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