Saturday, June 25, 2011

How to clean Vinyl table cloth at home?

Using vinyl dining table cloth (sheets) are most preferable these days as they are easy to clean, just wipe out and done. But very often these sheets too need little washing and scrubbing to remove the food odours and stains. Here are few tips on how to clean vinyl dining table sheets or plastic covers (transparent) at home easily to get rid of smell and stains:

1. Always wipe the vinyl table cloth with sponge soaked in lukewarm water right after every meal.

2. Once a week soak the vinyl cloth in a bucket of water in which mild or liquid detergent is added. Along with detergents add some lime juice to remove food odors.

3. If there are stains on the table cloth try gently scrubbing the stained area with some mild borax solution.

4. To remove stains from vinyl table cloth you can also try rubbing a lemon slice on the stained area. Then wash it off with lukewarm water.

1 comment:

  1. I tried rubbing the stain area with lemon slice and yes the stain started to vanish. Then I just washed the cloth with soap and water. Thanx for d tip



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